Cutest boy EVER!


More Cowgirl Pics...

Here are a few more shots of my little rodeo queen!
Some how our "queen" photo shoot turned into a horse shoot...not sure exactly how that happened (he he! Katie!) but sure glad they did. This is Katie's first horse Jungle. Saying she loves this horse is a huge understatement. He is retired from the rodeo life now because of his age, but Katie loves him just the same. You could say they are "best friends." :)


Little Miss Rodeo Queen

I got the chance to take some pictures of my little sister for her rodeo queening. It was such a windy day and it was even raining in some of these pictures. Thanks for letting me practice taking your pictures Miss K! Hope you like them. ;)


Baby D . . .

Here are some pictures I got a chance to take of Baby D! Isn't she a doll?? These are her two months pictures. We were lucky enough to get a few that turned out because she was NOT happy about having her picture taken this day . . . ENJOY!


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